My name is Jenna. In 2019, I launched Wanderers & Wayfarers, a fledgling travel blog for part time travelers. Since my first trip three years ago, I have slowly begun to travel the world as a solo, part time female traveler.

Wanderers & Wayfarers is a different kind of travel blog. I am not a professional traveler. I don’t get paid to travel the world, stay at exclusive resorts, or post on Instagram. In fact, apart from working my nine-to-five job and pursuing my graduate studies, I run Wanderers & Wayfarers as a hobby and a way to share my part time travels with my readers and subscribers.

What is part time travel? Part time travel is my term for exploring the world bit by bit when you have current responsibilities, like a full time job, school, or financial constraints. Not all of us can quit our jobs to travel the world when we have bills to pay, friends and families we see every week, and hobbies at home we enjoy. I travel only when I can: part time!

The aim of Wanderers & Wayfarers is to:

• Show that travel is attainable for anyone, even those with tight finances and work obligations

• Share my travel experiences, hacks, tips, mishaps, resources, and adventures with my fellow travelers

• Serve as a resource and inspiration for those trying to follow their travel dreams

Wanderers & Wayfarers is certainly an ambitious project with a huge learning curve. I have never run a blog before, and this project is as much a learning experience for me as it is a resource for those who want to learn to travel better, smarter, and savvier, just as I do. Follow my adventures as I learn both how to share my travels and how to travel better.

I hope that Wanderers & Wayfarers will inspire you to experience all the world has to offer, just as my followers inspire me. I would love to hear about your own travel stories, so stay connected through Wanderers & Wayfarers’ social media.

Stay tuned for future adventures! Safe travels! ✈